
香港 ELLE雜誌採訪:Thermage CPT 電波拉皮Total Tip 3.0 黃金塑顏電波探頭

香港 ELLE雜誌採訪:Thermage CPT 電波拉皮Total Tip 3.0 黃金塑顏電波探頭

香港 ELLE雜誌採訪稿

主題:Thermage CPT 電波拉皮Total Tip 3.0 黃金塑顏電波探頭
受訪者:皮膚科  王修含 醫師

Media Interview Briefing Note

Interview method:                   Email
Journalist:                          Tramy Lam, elle.com.hk
CWIA facilitator:             Carbo Yu, Mobile: +852 6535 XXXX
                                Olivia Chau, Mobile: +852 9279 XXXX
Editorial deadline:            16 July, 2013 (Tuesday)
Images needed:                        Landscape personal portrait of doctor in plain white background (if doctor face would like to be featured)

Media Profile:
elle.com.hk is the sister site of one of the most sophisticated female magazines in the market – ELLE. The site covers beauty, fashion and lifestyle topics. Elle.com.hk has won the Gold Award – Best in Online Media – Magazine Website in WAN IFRA Asian Digital Media Award 2012. It is targeted at women between 25-34. The site has a daily viewing rate of 12,000:
Link: http://www.elle.com.hk/

The site has an “Expert Tips” column under the “Beauty & Health” section, where it provides Q&A for various beauty and health issues from the point of view of medical professionals, and industry insiders:
Link: http://www.elle.com.hk/beauty_and_health/expert_tips

Questions from Journalist:

  1. Please explain the technology behind Thermage and its latest equipment (i.e. Thermage Total Tip 3.0).

  1. Are there any side-effects?

  1. In terms of removing wrinkles and fine lines around eye and eye lids, what will be the best medical treatment? Why?

Message from Dr. Shiou-Han Wang
  1. Please explain the technology behind Thermage and its latest equipment (i.e. Thermage Total Tip 3.0).

Radiofrequency can penetrate deep enough to dermis and subcutis without injury of superficial skin structure to achieve satisfied facial rejuvenation which is the weak point of the traditional light-based energy sources, such as laser and intense pulsed light (IPL). Thermage is a device with features of monopolar capacitive radiofrequency. Monopolar radiofrequency can reach deep soft tissue, and superior to the bipolar or “multipolar” counterparts. Thermage has a special capacitive coupled electrode membrane to make the energy disperse across the surface for volumetric bulk heating of deep soft tissue. With this design, Thermage can prevent the heat just limited on the contact surface and the risk of epidermal injury. With the thermal effect, Thermage can make the collagen contraction immediately and further stimulate more new collagen deposition (neocollagenesis).

Comfort Pulse Technology (CPT) is another special technology of Thermage. It can work with vibrating and cooling bursts to relieve pain and defend the superficial skin and make the patients safely tolerate the treatment.

The Thermage Total Tip 3.0 has a brand new circuit and polyimide capacitive membrane design based on the common features of previous outstanding versions of Thermage system. The Total Tip 3.0 can safely deliver RF energy to deeper region compared with the traditional Face Tip. It can also create as much as two times greater bulk heating volume with higher temperatures in the treated soft tissue. In previous study, the exposure time should be tenfold for every 5 degree Celsius decrease in temperature to achieve the similar amount of collagen contraction. Total Tip 3.0 can get larger bulk heating effect with higher thermal effect, and thus improve the performance of the treatment. It is a safer and more effective treatment compared with previous versions of Thermage system, and can provide immediate off-table and long lasting skin tightening results.

  1. Are there any side-effects?
Thermage is a “no downtime” system. Usual side effects are usually gentle, including redness, and no or mild  swelling.  During treatment, pain can be controlled to mild to moderate with the technique of energy adjusting according to “pain sensation scale”. Rare adverse reactions include bumps, crust formation, blisters, burns, itching, blanching, brusing pigment change, altered sensations, scarring, surface irregularities, and herpes reactivation.

  1. In terms of removing wrinkles and fine lines around eye and eye lids, what will be the best medical treatment? Why?
For wrinkles and fine lines around eye and eye lids, we can differentiate them into two groups: dynamic and static. For dynamic ones, they are caused by muscle contraction, and can be easily corrected with adequate botulinum toxin injection. However, for static ones, they are not easily treated due to the complicated pathophysiology. Sun protection can prevent worsening of photodamage related wrinkles. Fillers such as hyaluronic acid may repair the skin defect and improve them transiently.  Radiofrequency such as Thermage can stimulate new collagen formation to smoothen the wrinkles, and thus be the permanent resolution.


13. 完全發揮Thermage CPT電波拉皮治療效果之秘訣 http://www.skin168.net/2012/06/solta-thermage-cpt-treatment-effect.html http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/skindr-wang/article?mid=3430
14. Thermage CPT電波拉皮最佳化施打方法:定點式? 滑動式? 循環式? 部份重疊式? ABC式? XYZ式? ......
15. 懷孕期間可以打Thermage CPT電波拉皮嗎? http://www.skin168.net/2012/11/thermage-cpt-pregnancy-radiofrequency.html  
16.  演講:2013年Thermage 電波拉皮原廠研討會-講師 王修含 醫師 http://www.skin168.net/2013/02/2013-thermage-lecture.html http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/skindr-wang/article?mid=4060
17. 新式Thermage CPT電波拉皮:CPT DC塑顏電波 http://www.skin168.net/2013/03/thermage-cpt-dc-tip.htmlhttp://www.skin168.net/2013/03/thermage-cpt-dc-tip.html
18. 融合工程力學的Thermage電波拉皮治療技巧與效果 http://www.skin168.net/2013/06/thermage-engineering-mechanics.html
19. 王修含醫師受邀於泰國曼谷發表Thermage CPT電波拉皮全方位探頭Total Tip治療技術 (CPT DC塑顏電波http://www.skin168.net/2013/06/thermage-cpt-total-tip.html http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/skindr-wang/article?mid=4216
20. Thermage CPT電波拉皮「全方位探頭3.0」(Total Tip 3.0)之高能量無痛施打技巧
21.  Thermage CPT電波拉皮:王修含醫師受邀於新加坡演講之感謝狀
22. Thermage CPT電波拉皮:塑顏密碼8210黃金探頭
