時 間:2010年6月7日(週一) 8:00-8:50AM
地點:台大醫院臨床研究大樓 皮膚科15樓會議室
講 師: 王修含 醫師
題 目:青春痘疤痕之光電治療原理與實例探討
Optical and electrical based treatment of acne scar: Principles and practice
Part I. Overview of acne scar treatment
Types of acne scar
1. Hypotrophic/atrophic scar
2. Hypertrophic scar
Rationale of optical and electrical based treatment for atrophic acne scar
1. Removal of scar tissue
Traditional ablative lasers: removal of bulky tissue
Fractional photothermolysis: shorten downtime
Nitrogen plasma (PSR: plasma skin rejuvenation)
2. Stimulation of collagen remodeling
Wound healing process
Cytokines of wound healing
Effect of fractional CO2 laser on cytokines
Part II. Laser tissue interaction
Laser tissue interaction
photochemical interaction
thermal interaction
plasma-induced ablation
Tissue thermal reaction
Selective photothermolysis
Resurfacing lasers
Fractional photothermolysis
Part III. Fractional lasers
1. Fractional non-ablative laser
Fractional Er: glass laser
Treatment depth
Wound Healing Process
Clinical pictures
Possible complications
2. Fractional ablative laser
(1) Fractional CO2 laser
Forearm test
Ablative depth
Wound Healing Process
Clinical Tx: Immediately after & Post-treatment
Scar revision
Hair pores
Acne scar
Skin rejuvenation
Possible complications
(2) Fractional Er:YAG laser
Absorption & penetration depth
Pulse width & coagulation depth
Clinical pictures
Part IV. Plasma
Generation of plasma
Treatment of scar with plasma
Part V. Case Discussion- Treatment of acne scar
Acne scar treatment with Fraxel
Acne scar treatment with eCO2
Acne scar treatment with PSR
Acne scar treatment with combination of eCO2 + Fraxel
Acne scar treatment with combination of PSR + eCO2 + Fraxel
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