

研討會名稱:台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 2016年學術研討會

講師:王修含醫師/ Shiou-Han Wang    王修含皮膚科診所院長
時間:15:00~15:20/ Panel Discussion: 15:20~16:00
Tear troughs and eye bags: Tension adjustment of tear trough ligament with fillers

台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 (TAFPRS)
台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 (TOS) (Taiwan Otolaryngological Society)

台灣整形外科醫學會 (TSPS)(Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery)
中華民國眼科醫學會 (TOS)(Taiwan Ophthalmological Society)
台灣眼整形美容重建手術醫學會 (TSOPRS)(Taiwan Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)

地點:台北晶華酒店(Regent Taipei)
No. 3, Lane 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan

台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 2016年學術研討會

Honorary Chair: 徐茂銘
Co-Chairs: 徐愫儀 、高全祥

李毓芹 、蕭自佑 、張哲銘 、馬旭 、
張丞賢 、林思源 、王拔群

Academic Committee: (依姓氏筆畫排序)
王拔群 、王昭欽 、王修含 、李日清 、李至偉 、林思源 、
林晏君 、林鴻穎 、高全祥 、馬旭 、徐典雄 、徐愫儀 、
涂智文 、張丞賢 、張哲銘 、許哲豪 、許英哲 、梁中玲 、
陳天牧 、陳右昇 、廖述朗 、藍敏瑛 、陳錫根


台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 (TAFPRS)
台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會 (TOS) (Taiwan Otolaryngological Society)

Affiliated With:
台灣整形外科醫學會 (TSPS)(Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery)
中華民國眼科醫學會 (TOS)(Taiwan Ophthalmological Society)
台灣眼整形美容重建手術醫學會 (TSOPRS)(Taiwan Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery)





汐止國泰醫院耳鼻喉科 主任

(本站文章版權所有,歡迎非商業性部份轉載(請勿全文轉載),轉載請註明作者姓名標示(皮膚科王修含醫師)與出處(skin168.net/ skin168.com/ skin168.org),禁止更動內文,並提供有效的本站超連結。)

Su-Yi Hsu, M.D.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to participate in this premier facial plastic surgery meeting. This meeting aims to provide an opportunity to share and exchange contemporary knowledge and expertise about aesthetic medicine and surgery which would be of great practical value.
Our course will run on October 22 and 23 in 2016 and include live surgery demonstrations focused on surgical techniques in different kinds of facial plastic surgeries, systematic didactics, video instructional sessions, panel discussions covering all aspects of facial plastic surgery.
We assemble an outstanding faculty specialized in facial plastic surgery. Internationally well-known keynote
speakers will bring you the up-to-date perspective of facial plastic surgery. The live filler/Botulinum toxin injection workshop will be held and demonstrated by experienced expert. Furthermore, a session for free paper presentations and poster/E-Poster exhibition will be offered to up-and-coming young facial plastic surgeons and residents.
It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting. We believe that it will be a wonderful seminar that cannot be missed.
Su-Yi Hsu, M.D.
Chair of Organizing Committee, 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting
Chief, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan


  • Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital 汐止國泰醫院耳鼻喉科
  • Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, TAFPRS 台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會
  • Taiwan Otolaryngological Society, TOS 台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會

Affiliated With

  • Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery, TSPS 台灣整形外科醫學會
  • Taiwanese Society for Dermatological and Aesthetic Surgery, TSDAS 台灣皮膚暨美容外科醫學會
  • Taiwan Ophthalmological Society, TOS 中華民國眼科醫學會
  • Taiwan Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, TSOPRS 台灣眼整形美容重建手術醫學會

Honorary Chair

  • 徐茂銘 醫師


  • 徐愫儀 醫師
  • 高全祥 醫師


  • 李毓芹 醫師
  • 蕭自佑 醫師
  • 張哲銘 醫師
  • 馬旭 醫師
  • 張丞賢 醫師
  • 林思源 醫師
  • 王拔群 醫師

Academic Committee

  • 王拔群 醫師
  • 王昭欽 醫師
  • 王修含 醫師
  • 李日清 醫師
  • 李至偉 醫師
  • 林思源 醫師
  • 林晏君 醫師
  • 林鴻穎 醫師
  • 高全祥 醫師
  • 馬旭 醫師
  • 徐典雄 醫師
  • 徐愫儀 醫師
  • 凃智文 醫師
  • 張丞賢 醫師
  • 張哲銘 醫師
  • 許哲豪 醫師
  • 許英哲 醫師
  • 梁中玲 醫師
  • 陳天牧 醫師
  • 陳右昇 醫師
  • 廖述朗 醫師
  • 藍敏瑛 醫師
  • 陳錫根 醫師


  • 孫萬烜 醫師

Live Surgery


Stanley Liu (USA)
Nguyen Xuan Cuong (Vietnam)




Stanley Liu (USA)
Paul Leong (USA)
Nguyen Xuan Cuong (Vietnam)

Day 1

Day 2

Lectures Course
Ballroom, 3F, Regent Taipei
(No. 3, Lane 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan)


Live Surgery Demonstrations

Demonstrator Live Surgery Demonstration Moderator in OR
OR1 許英哲 Costal Cartilage Rhinoplasty with GoreTex Bridge Augmentation 藍敏瑛

蕭彥彰 Primary Rhinoplasty

徐愫儀 Correction of Twisted and Saddle Nose
Ying-Che Hsu M.D.
Yuan’s General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.2008~
Superintendent of Le Jade Aesthetic Clinic, Kaohsiung city, Taiwan
Yen-Chang Hsiao M.D.
Chief of Burn unit, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Chief of aesthetic medical center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Su-Yi Hsu, M.D.
Chief, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Demonstrator Live Surgery Demonstration Moderator in OR
OR2 Stanley Liu Genioglossus Genioplasty Advancement + Relocation Pharyngoplasty 林鴻穎

高全祥 Genioplasty Advancement

張明智 Mandible Angle Reduction
Stanley Yung-Chuan Liu, MD, DDS
Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology
Stanford University School of Medicine
Chuan-Hsiang Kao, M.D
Director of Dr Kao Hope Aesthetic Clinic
Part-time Attending Physician in Dept. of OTO-HNS, TSGH; Milano, La Mer and Skin Aesthetic Clinics
Ming-Chih Mark Chang, DDS, MS
Director, Department of Dentistry
Sijhih Cathay General Hospital

Demonstrator Live Surgery Demonstration Moderator in OR
OR3 潘扶適 Midface Facelift 徐典雄

梁偉中 Endoscopic Forehead Lift

李兆翔 Lower Blepharoplasty
Attending Surgeon, Department of Plastic Surgery, Taipei City Hospitals, Taipei, Taiwan
Attending Surgeon, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jen-Ai Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Wei-Chung Liang (Eric Liang) M.D.
Board certified plastic surgeon in Taiwan
Dr. Eric Liang devotes his entire practice to cosmetic surgery and is fellowship trained in plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Chao Hsiang Lee M.D.
Attending Doctor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Department, Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital
Adjunct Attending Doctor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Department, National Taiwan University Hospital

Program at a Glance

Please note that the program is accurate at time of update and organizing committee has the right to modify the content of the course without prior notice.
Welcome Remarks
Moderators in International Conference Hall: 凃智文、高全祥、馬旭


Rhinoplasty 1
Demonstrator: 許英哲
Moderator in OR: 藍敏瑛
Coffee Break
Rhinoplasty 2 (cont.)
Demonstrator: 蕭彥彰
Moderator in OR: 藍敏瑛
Lunch and Group Photo
Rhinoplasty 2
Demonstrator: 蕭彥彰
Moderator in OR: 藍敏瑛
Rhinoplasty 3
Demonstrator: 徐愫儀
Moderator in OR: 藍敏瑛
Coffee Break
Rhinoplasty 3 (cont.)
Demonstrator: 徐愫儀
Moderator in OR: 藍敏瑛


Demonstrator: Stanley Liu
Moderator in OR: 林鴻穎
Coffee Break
Genioplasty (cont.)
Demonstrator: Stanley Liu
Moderator in OR: 林鴻穎
Lunch and Group Photo
Demonstrator: 高全祥
Moderator in OR: 林鴻穎
Mandible Angle Reduction
Demonstrator: 張明智
Moderator in OR: 林鴻穎
Coffee Break
Mandible Angle Reduction (cont.)
Demonstrator: 張明智
Moderator in OR: 林鴻穎


Mega Facelift
Demonstrator: Nguyen Xuan Cuong
Moderator in OR: 林晏君
Coffee Break
Midface Facelift
Demonstrator: 潘扶適
Moderator in OR: 林晏君
Lunch and Group Photo
Endoscopic Facelift
Demonstrator: 徐典雄
Moderator in OR: 林晏君
Coffee Break
Blepharoplasty 1
Demonstrator: 徐典雄
Moderator in OR: 林晏君
Welcome Reception & Gala Dinner

Room A

Symposium on Rhinoplasty
Evolution of Beauty
Speaker: 林晏君
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
Pre-OP Imaging Evaluation of Rhinoplasty
Speaker: 藍敏瑛
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
The Severely Twisted Nose: Breaking Down and Reconstruction
Speaker: 周家儀
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
How to Shape the Nose through a Thick Covering
Speaker: 許英哲
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
Can We Straighten the Crooked Nose Endonasally?
Speaker: 凃智文
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
Tip Modification in Revision Rhinoplasty
Speaker: 林鴻頴
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
My Techniques to Manage Ala-Columella Discrepancy
Speaker: 邱昱勳
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty
Speaker: 徐愫儀
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
The Short Nose: Overcoming Soft Tissue Constraints
Speaker: 蕭彥彰
Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀
Video Instruction on Rhinoplasty
Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Costal Cartilage Grafting
Speaker: 高全祥
Moderator: 張哲銘
Panel Discussion on Rhinoplasty
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do?

Speaker: 高全祥、凃智文、徐愫儀、蕭彥彰、邱昱勳
Moderator: 許英哲
Coffee Break
Keynote Speech - Balancing Bite, Breathing, and Beauty in Facial Skeletal Surgery
Speaker: Stanley Liu
Moderator: 王拔群
Lunch & Filler (HA) Injection Workshop
Keynote Speech - Fundamental Facelife Concepts and the High SMAS Facelift
Keynote Speech - Megafacelift
Speaker: Paul Leong、Nguyen Xuan Cuong
Moderator: 陳天牧、陳錫根
Symposium on Facelift & Face Contouring
Mandible Angle Reduction
Speaker: 張明智
Moderator: 馬旭
Forehead Lift
Speaker: 徐典雄
Moderator: 馬旭
Coffee Break
Video Instruction on Facelift & Face Contouring
3D Nonsurgical Face-lift Mask
Speaker: 潘扶適
Moderator: 陳錫根
Panel Discussion on Facelift & Face Contouring
Contemporary Facelift Surgery and Management of Complications
Speaker: Paul Leong、Nguyen Xuan Cuong、潘扶適、張明智、徐典雄
Moderator: 馬旭
Closing Remarks & Adjourn
TAFPRS General Assembly

Room B

Free Papers
Moderator: 張哲銘、李日清
Symposium on Blepharoplasty
Mini-Incision Blepharplasty and Epicanthoplasty
Speaker: 陳右昇
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
Management of Ectropion After Eye Bag Surgery
Speaker: 蔡傑智
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
Surgical Treatment of Tear Trough
Speaker: 沈筠惇
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
Contemporary Eye Bag Surgery
Speaker: 徐典雄
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
Management of an Unsuccessful Double Fold Surgery
Speaker: 蔡悅如
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
What an Oculoplastic Surgeon Do in Cosmetic Surgery
Speaker: 許紋銘
Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源
Coffee Break
Video Instruction on Blepharoplasty
Unhappy Patients, What Can We Do?
Speaker: 廖述朗
Moderator: 張丞賢
Panel Discussion on Blepharoplasty
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do?

Speaker: 廖述朗、許紋銘、張丞賢、徐典雄、蔡悅如、蔡傑智
Moderator: 梁中玲
Lunch & Botulinum Toxin Injection Workshop
Symposium on Injection, Laser and Photo-Rejuvenation
Non-surgical Upper Face Rejuvenation with Special Focus on Eyebrows: Strategies to Optimize the Result
Speaker: 王昭欽
Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪
Photofractional-The Use of a Modular Multi-Application Platform for Treatment Skin Conditions
Speaker: 許哲豪
Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪
Do something, or, Do Nothing-Aesthetic Assessment of Sculptra
Speaker: 曾世鳴
Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪
Approach to Overall facial Harmony by App Platform
Speaker: 李至偉
Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪
Development and Application of Lasers for Aesthetic Treatments
Speaker: 盧廷昌
Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪
Coffee Break
Video Instruction on Injection, Laser and Photo-rejuvenation
Tear Troughs and Eye bags: An Innovative Surgery Based Non-Surgical Approach to Tear Trough Ligament
Speaker: 王修含
Moderator: 王昭欽
Panel Discussion on Injection, Laser and Photo-Rejuvenation
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do?

Speaker: 王昭欽、許哲豪、曾世鳴、盧廷昌、王修含
Moderator: 李至偉
Closing Remarks & Adjourn

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All conference participants are cordially invited to submit abstracts for oral presentation or E-Poster. Oral presentation maybe decided by scientific committee to be presented with E poster.
Topics regarding facial plastic and reconstructive surgery are welcomed. The contents can be case reports, basic studies, clinical researches, and personal experiences.
Potential conflicts of interest regarding the presentation should be addressed.
Please submit the abstract by Sep 30, 2016 with first Author’s registration form. Authors will be notified of acceptance by Oct 10, 2016.
Submission instructions:
  • 1 The language for abstract is English.
  • 2 The contents of the abstract should include:
    Materials & Methods
    Figures and tables
  • 3 The abstract must submitted with a Times New Roman font size 12pts single space.
  • 4 Forms will be accepted through e-mail: tafprs@gmail.com
October 22-23, 2016

2016 TAFPRS Annual Meeting2016/03/29 ~ 2016/10/23

【新增】附檔: 晶華酒店-優惠訂房表格.pdf

2016 TAFPRS Annual Meeting

『海報、PROGRAM錯誤更正:海報及會議PROGRAM已於8月寄出。唯協辦單位Co-organizers應更正為Affiliated With,特此更正。』

---October 23, 2016報名專區---

2016 TAFPRS Annual Meeting, Saturday-Sunday, October 22-23, 2016

●Day 1: Live Surgery Demonstration
Saturday, October 22, 2016: Surgery on Facial Plaastic Surgery
1. Mid-Face Lift and endoscopic forehead lift
2. Blepharoplasty
3. Rhinoplasty
4. Mandible angle reduction
5. Genioplasty

●Day 2: Lectures
Sunday, October 23, 2016: Lectures
地點:Ballroom, 3F, Regent Taipei台北晶華酒店3樓宴會廳(台北市中山北路2段39巷3號)


Message from the Organizing Committee

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting organizing committee, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to participate in this premier facial plastic surgery meeting. This meeting aims to provide an opportunity to share and exchange contemporary knowledge and expertise about aesthetic medicine and surgery which would be of great practical value.

Our course will run on October 22 and 23 in 2016 and include live surgery demonstrations focused on surgical techniques in different kinds of facial plastic surgeries, systematic didactics, video instructional sessions, panel discussions covering all aspects of facial plastic surgery.

We assemble an outstanding faculty specialized in facial plastic surgery. Internationally well-known keynote speakers will bring you the up-to-date perspective of facial plastic surgery. The live filler/Botulinum toxin injection workshop will be held and demonstrated by experienced expert. Furthermore, a session for free paper presentations and poster/E-Poster exhibition will be offered to up-and-coming young facial plastic surgeons and residents.

It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend the 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting. We believe that it will be a wonderful seminar that cannot be missed.

Su-Yi Hsu, M.D.
Chair of Organizing Committee, 12th TAFPRS Annual Meeting
Chief, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital, New Taipei City, Taiwan


Stanley Liu (USA)
Paul Leong (USA)
Nguyen Xuan Cuong (Vietnam)


Day 1 - Saturday, October 22, 2016
08:30-16:30 Live surgery Demonstrations & Video Conference
Venue: Operation room, 5F, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital
International Conference Hall, B2, Sijhih Cathay General Hospital
18:00-20:30 Welcome Reception & Gala Dinner

●Day 2 - Sunday, October 23, 2016
08: 00-17:00 Lectures Course
Venue: Ballroom, 3F, Regent Taipei-台北晶華酒店 宴會廳
(No. 3, Lane 39, Section 2, ZhongShan N. Rd., Taipei 104, Taiwan)

Program at a Glance
Please note that the program is accurate at time of update and organizing committee has the right to modify the content of the course without prior notice.

●Day 2 - Sunday, 23 October, 2016
◆Room A
07:50-16:00 Registration
Time /Topic /Speaker
08:00-09:30 Symposium on Rhinoplasty【Moderator: 凃智文、徐愫儀】
08:00-08:10 Evolution of Beauty 林晏君
08:10-08:20 Pre-OP Imaging Evaluation of Rhinoplasty 藍敏瑛
08:20-08:30 The Severely Twisted Nose: Breaking Down and Reconstruction 周家儀
08:30-08:40 How to Shape the Nose through Thick Skin Covering 許英哲
08:40-08:50 Can We Straighten the
Crooked Nose Endonasally? 凃智文
08:50-09:00 Tip Modification in Revision Rhinoplasty 林鴻頴
09:00-09:10 My Techniques to Manage Ala-Columella Discrepancy 邱昱勳
09:10-09:20 Cleft Lip Rhinoplasty 徐愫儀
09:20-09:30 The Short Nose: Overcoming Soft Tissue Constraints 蕭彥彰

09:30-09:50 Video Instruction on Rhinoplasty 【Moderator: 張哲銘】
Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Costal Cartilage Grafting 高全祥

09:50-10:30 Panel Discussion on Rhinoplasty 【Moderator: 許英哲】
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do? 高全祥、凃智文、徐愫儀、蕭彥彰、邱昱勳

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-12:00 【Moderator: 王拔群】
Keynote Speech - Balancing Bite, Breathing, and Beauty in Facial Skeletal Surgery /Stanley Liu

12:00-13:00 Lunch & Filler (HA) Injection Workshop

13:00-14:00 【Moderator: 陳天牧、陳錫根】
(1)Keynote Speech - Fundamental Facelift Concepts and the High SMAS Facelift /Paul Leong
(2)Keynote Speech - Megafacelift /Nguyen Xuan Cuong

14:00-14:30 Symposium on Facelift & Face Contouring 【Moderator: 馬旭】
14:00-14:15 Mandible Angle Reduction 張明智
14:15-14:30 Lower Face Lift 梁偉中

14:30-15:00 Coffee Break

15:00-15:20 Video Instruction on Facelift & Face Contouring【Moderator: 陳錫根】
3D Nonsurgical Face-lift Mask 潘扶適

15:20-16:00 Panel Discussion on Facelift & Face Contouring 【Moderator: 馬旭】
Contemporary Facelift Surgery and Management of Complications Paul Leong、
Nguyen Xuan Cuong、

16:00-16:10 Closing Remarks & Adjourn

◆Room B
Time /Topic /Speaker
08:00- 09:00 Free Paper Presentations 【Moderator: 張哲銘、李日清】

09:00-10:30 Symposium on Blepharoplasty【Moderator: 廖述朗、林思源】
09:00-09:15 Mini-Incision Blepharoplasty and Epicanthoplasty 陳右昇
09:15-09:30 Management of Ectropion After Eye Bag Surgery 蔡傑智
09:30-09:45 Surgical Treatment of Tear Trough 沈筠惇
09:45-10:00 Contemporary Eye Bag Surgery 徐典雄
10:00-10:15 Management of an Unsuccessful Double Fold Surgery 蔡悅如
10:15-10:30 What Oculoplastic Surgeons Do in Cosmetic Surgery 許紋銘

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:00-11:20 Video Instruction on Blepharoplasty【Moderator: 張丞賢】
Unhappy Patients, What Can We Do ? 廖述朗

11:20-12:00 Panel Discussion on Blepharoplasty【Moderator: 梁中玲】
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do? 廖述朗、許紋銘、 張丞賢、徐典雄、 蔡悅如、蔡傑智

12:00-13:00 Lunch & Botulinum Toxin Injection Workshop

13:00-14:30 Symposium on Injection, Laser and Photo-Rejuvenation 【Moderator: 王修含、許哲豪】
13:00-13:15 Non-surgical Upper Face Rejuvenation with Special Focus on Eyebrows:
Strategies to Optimize the Result 王昭欽
13:15-13:30 Photofractional-The Use of a Modular Multi-Application Platform for Treatment
Skin Conditions 許哲豪
13:30-13:45 Do Something, or, Do Nothing-Aesthetic Assessment of Sculptra 曾世鳴
13:45-14:00 Approach to Overall Facial Harmony by App Platform 李至偉
14:00-14:30 Development and Application of Lasers for Aesthetic Treatments 盧廷昌

14:30-15:00 Coffee Break

15:00-15:20 Video Instruction on Injection, Laser and Photo-rejuvenation 【Moderator: 王昭欽】
Tear Troughs and Eye Bags: Tension Adjustment of Tear Trough Ligament with Fillers 王修含

15:20-16:00 Panel Discussion on Injection, Laser and Photo-Rejuvenation【Moderator: 李至偉】
Why So Many Complications?
What Can We Do? 王昭欽、許哲豪、曾世鳴、盧廷昌、王修含

16:00-16:10 Closing Remarks & Adjourn

●Registration Fee
(1)【October 22-Live surgery Demonstrations & Video Conference】
Residents- NTD 15,000
TAFPRS Members- NTD 20,000
Non-Member Physicians- NTD 25,000

(2)【October 22-Live surgery Demonstrations Participant (extra-fee)】
Residents- X
TAFPRS Members- NTD 15,000
Non-Member Physicians- X

(3)【October 22-23- 2-day Course】
★★Early Birds★★
◆Before Aug 31, 2016
Residents- NTD 19,000
TAFPRS Members- NTD 26,000
Non-Member Physicians- NTD 35,000

◆After Sep 1, 2016
Residents- NTD 20,000
TAFPRS Members- NTD 27,000
Non-Member Physicians- NTD 36,000

(4)【October 23-Lectures Course】
★★Early Birds★★
◆Before Aug 31, 2016
Residents- NTD 5,000
TAFPRS Members- NTD 7,000
Non-Member Physicians- NTD11,000

◆After Sep 1, 2016
Residents- NTD 6,000
TAFPRS Members- NTD 8,000
Non-Member Physicians- NTD12,000

(5)【October 22-Gala Dinner】
Residents /TAFPRS Members/Non-Member Physicians
NTD 1,000(Per Person)

Payment Options

ATM or Remittance
(Please fax the receipt to the secretariat for confirmation, Fax No: +886-2-87927193)
Account Title:台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會
Bank Name:合作金庫銀行國醫中心分行(銀行代號:006)
Account Number:【5137-717-009570】

台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 (10/22日10學分,10/23日20學分)
台灣耳鼻喉科醫學會分 申請中
中華民國美容醫學醫學會 「乙類學分」5學分
中華民國眼科醫學會 申請中



已選定10/23Lunch Symposium- Room A
已選定10/23Lunch Symposium- Room B

行經中山高速公路於重慶北路交流道出口下交流道 - 至民族東路左轉 - 直走至林森北路右轉即可抵達。

適用期限 Grace Period 【2016/10/21-10/23】
附檔: 晶華酒店-優惠訂房表格.pdf
