時間:11:00~12:30 (90min)
講師:王修含 醫師 王修含皮膚科診所
實際治療中,除了調整淚溝靭帶(tear trough ligament)的張力,需視每個人略有差異的解剖學構造,同時處理顴骨隔膜(又稱為「臉頰間隔」malar septum)的空間限制,以及眼輪匝肌支持靭帶(orbicularis retaining ligament)與顴弓皮膚靭帶(zygomatic cutaneous ligament)造成的張力問題,才能得到最佳的美學結果。
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上述解剖學概念,將於本次課程中詳細說明,請參見「淚溝靭帶調整填充術-眼袋淚溝創新性治療 」http://www.skin168.net/2015/07/tear-trough-eyebag.html
【本站文章版權所有,歡迎非商業性「部份」轉載(請勿全文轉載),轉載請註明作者姓名標示(皮膚科王修含醫師)與出處(skin168.net/ skin168.com/ skin168.org),禁止更動內文,並提供有效的本站超連結。】
A. 影響玻尿酸填充物持久性的因素包括:濃度、顆粒大小、交聯劑
B. 常用於玻尿酸填充物的交聯鍵結劑包括:ether bonds (BDDE = 1,4- butandiol diglycdyl ether)與ester bonds (DVS = divinylsulfone)
C. 玻尿酸、氫氧磷灰石鈣(氫氧基磷酸鈣,calcium hydroxyapatite, CaHA)、膠原蛋白,都可用於注射填充物的材質
D. 注射填充物時,針頭的選擇方面,不論是鈍針和銳針,都是針頭愈細,愈容易增加血管內注射的風險
E. 以上皆是
(1) In Vivo. 2009 May-Jun;23(3):479-86.
Assessment of a new hyaluronic acid filler. double-blind, randomized, comparative study between Puragen and Captique in the treatment of nasolabial folds.
Onesti M, Toscani M, Curinga G, Chiummariello S, Scuderi N.
(2) Dermatol Surg. 2013 Dec;39(12):1758-66. doi: 10.1111/dsu.12301. Epub 2013 Aug 13.
A review of the metabolism of 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether-crosslinked hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. De Boulle K, Glogau R, Kono T, Nathan M, Tezel A, Roca-Martinez JX, Paliwal S, Stroumpoulis D.
(3) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):862-77. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13493638. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Complications following injection of soft-tissue fillers. Ozturk CN, Li Y, Tung R, Parker L, Piliang MP, Zins JE.
(4) Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Dec 12;6:295-316. doi: 0.2147/CCID.S50546.
Dermal fillers in aesthetics: an overview of adverse events and treatment approaches. Funt D, Pavicic T.
(1) In Vivo. 2009 May-Jun;23(3):479-86.
Assessment of a new hyaluronic acid filler. double-blind, randomized, comparative study between Puragen and Captique in the treatment of nasolabial folds.
Onesti M, Toscani M, Curinga G, Chiummariello S, Scuderi N.
(2) Dermatol Surg. 2013 Dec;39(12):1758-66. doi: 10.1111/dsu.12301. Epub 2013 Aug 13.
A review of the metabolism of 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether-crosslinked hyaluronic acid dermal fillers. De Boulle K, Glogau R, Kono T, Nathan M, Tezel A, Roca-Martinez JX, Paliwal S, Stroumpoulis D.
(3) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):862-77. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13493638. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Complications following injection of soft-tissue fillers. Ozturk CN, Li Y, Tung R, Parker L, Piliang MP, Zins JE.
(4) Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Dec 12;6:295-316. doi: 0.2147/CCID.S50546.
Dermal fillers in aesthetics: an overview of adverse events and treatment approaches. Funt D, Pavicic T.
2. 關於顳部(太陽穴, temple)的組織解剖構造,下列何者正確?
A. 周圍的支持靭帶包括:上緣是(superior temporal septum, STS),下緣是(inferior temporal septum, ITS),STS與ITS交界處是Temporal ligamentary adhesion (TLA)
B. ITS下方有神經通過,包括temporal branches of facial nerve (TBFN)與zygomaticotemporal nerve (ZTN)
C. 顳部本身,在STS與ITS之間,完全沒有神經通過
D. 在sentinel vein(SV)附近可找到zygomaticotemporal nerve (ZTN),此為手術時需注意的標的物
E. 以上皆是
(1) Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
(2) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):769-82. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13495405. Epub 2013 Jul 12. Retaining ligaments of the face: review of anatomy and clinical applications. Alghoul M, Codner MA.
(3) Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2013;54(3 Suppl):757-61. Anatomical evidence regarding the existence of sustentaculum facies. Frâncu LL, Hînganu D, Hînganu MV.
(4) Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Jul-Aug;8(4):245-51. Safety and efficacy of midface-lifts with an absorbable soft tissue suspension device. Newman J.
(1) Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
(2) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):769-82. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13495405. Epub 2013 Jul 12. Retaining ligaments of the face: review of anatomy and clinical applications. Alghoul M, Codner MA.
(3) Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2013;54(3 Suppl):757-61. Anatomical evidence regarding the existence of sustentaculum facies. Frâncu LL, Hînganu D, Hînganu MV.
(4) Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2006 Jul-Aug;8(4):245-51. Safety and efficacy of midface-lifts with an absorbable soft tissue suspension device. Newman J.
3. 以下何者不是老化(aging)的特徵?
A. Tear trough deformity
B. Increased vertical eyelid length (elongated lower eyelid)
C. High malar fat pad without malar crescent, cheek bulging
D. Prominent nasolabial fold
E. Platysmal ptosis, prejowl Sulcus & jowl formation
(1) J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jun;68(6):1420-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2009.12.004. Epub 2010 Apr 9. Essentials of cheek and midface implants. Niamtu J 3rd.
(2) J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2011 Dec;4(12):32-6. Avoiding malar edema during midface/cheek augmentation with dermal fillers. Funt DK.
(3) Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jun;129(6):1392-402. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824ecd77. The tear trough ligament: anatomical basis for the tear trough deformity. Wong CH, Hsieh MK, Mendelson B.
(4) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging. Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
A. 軟組織下垂與中臉體積減少,造成下眼瞼長度增加
B. 凹下處與韌帶(ligaments)的骨質起點(osseous origins)有關
C. 膨起處與韌帶鬆弛(ligamentous attenuation),伴隨脂肪位移有關
D. 臉部支持韌帶(retaining ligaments)在臉部會形成溝狀結構
E. 眼眶骨質增生,造成眼周老化
(1) J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jun;68(6):1420-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2009.12.004. Epub 2010 Apr 9. Essentials of cheek and midface implants. Niamtu J 3rd.
(2) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging. Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
(3) Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation.
Mendelson B, Wong CH.
(4) Facial Plast Surg. 2013 Feb;29(1):40-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1333839. Epub 2013 Feb 20. Understanding midfacial rejuvenation in the 21st century. Chaiet SR, Williams EF 3rd.
(1) Dermis (2) Retinacular cutis (3) SMAS (4) retaining ligament (5) periosteum
A. 12345 B. 13245 C. 12435 D. 13425 E. 21435
參考文獻:Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
參考文獻:Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
6. 關於臉部支持韌帶(retaining ligaments),以下敘述何者為非?
A. 臉部支持韌帶(retaining ligaments)有三種形態:septae, adhesions, true ligaments
B. Zygomatic ligament, masseteric ligaments, mandibular ligament是屬於true ligaments
C. 臉部支持韌帶(retaining ligaments)的形態像一棵樹,樹根在periosteum,然後樹枝往皮膚發展
D. 在骨性顱腔(bony cavities)外的支持韌帶系統,具有穩定顱腔外軟組織的作用
E. 老化時,支持韌帶較結實,而且韌帶之間的空間轉變較不可分辨
參考文獻:Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, by Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
參考文獻:Plastic Surgery Volume 2: Aesthetic Surgery, Third edition 2013
Ch.6 Anatomy of the aging face, by Bryan Mendelson and Chin-Ho Wong
7. 眼周老化過程中,orbicularis retaining ligament (orbitomalar ligament)的鬆弛會造成哪個組織的下垂?
A. retro-orbicularis oculus fat (ROOF)
B. sub-orbicularis oculi fat (SOOF)
C. levator palprae superioris muscle
D. pre-septal fat
E. post-septal fat
參考文獻:G.G. Massry et al. (eds.), Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0067-7_2, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011. Ch.2 Surgical Anatomy of the Forehead, Eyelids, and Midface for the Aesthetic Surgeon. Kevin S. Tan, Sang-Rog Oh, Ayelet Priel, Bobby S. Korn, and Don O. Kikkawa
A. increased prominence of the medial fat pad
B. elevation of the medial brow
C. lengthening of the lid cheek junction
D. High malar fat pad
E. Resorbing of the superomedial and inferolateral aspects of the orbit
(1) J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jun;68(6):1420-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2009.12.004. Epub 2010 Apr 9. Essentials of cheek and midface implants. Niamtu J 3rd.
(2) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012
Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging. Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
(3) Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation.
Mendelson B, Wong CH.
(4) Facial Plast Surg. 2013 Feb;29(1):40-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1333839. Epub 2013 Feb 20. Understanding midfacial rejuvenation in the 21st century. Chaiet SR, Williams EF 3rd.
A. 玻尿酸注射後的臉頰水腫(malar edema),成因與臉頰筋膜(顴骨隔膜,又稱為「臉頰間隔」malar septum)及sub-orbicularis oculi fat (SOOF)有關
B. 氫氧基磷酸鈣(calcium hydroxylapatite)不可施打於嘴唇,否則可能會出現結節(nodules)
C. 自體脂肪移植相當於大容量玻尿酸填補,可根據注射部位精準矯正
D. 由於材質特性,聚左乳酸(poly-L-lactic acid, PLLA)比玻尿酸、氫氧基磷酸鈣容易發生異物性肉芽腫(foreign body granuloma)
E. 眼周、鼻周的區域施打要非常注意,有發生血管內注射的機率,但避開這兩處區域,仍可能有這種狀況
答案:C, 由於有存活率的問題,自體脂肪移植無法精準預估最後存活的脂肪容積,也無法一次移植過多的脂肪細胞,以免不利於存活率,故可能需要多次手術。(Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4):897-912. "Serial transplantation may be more beneficial in some cases to reduce the burden of the underlying tissue to undergo angiogenesis and enhance long-term survival of fat grafts.")
(1) Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Dec 12;6:295-316. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S50546. Dermal fillers in aesthetics: an overview of adverse events and treatment approaches. Funt D, Pavicic T.
(2) Aesthet Surg J. 2014 Feb;34(2):235-48. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13517897. Epub 2014 Jan 15. Malar mounds and festoons: review of current management. Kpodzo DS, Nahai F, McCord CD.
(3) J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2011 Dec;4(12):32-6. Avoiding malar edema during midface/cheek augmentation with dermal fillers. Funt DK.
(4) J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 Aug;6(8):846-7. Radiesse nodule of the lips from a distant injection site: report of a case and consideration of etiology and management. Beer KR.
(5) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):862-77. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13493638. Epub 2013 Jul 3. Complications following injection of soft-tissue fillers. Ozturk CN, Li Y, Tung R, Parker L, Piliang MP, Zins JE.
(6) Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4):897-912. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000001590. The Current State of Fat Grafting: A Review of Harvesting, Processing, and Injection Techniques. Strong AL, Cederna PS, Rubin JP, Coleman SR, Levi B.
(7) Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jul;31(7 Pt 1):772-6; discussion 776. NewFill for skin augmentation: a new filler or failure? Beljaards RC, de Roos KP, Bruins FG.
(8) Aesthet Surg J. 2013 Aug 1;33(6):862-77. doi: 10.1177/1090820X13493638. Epub 2013 Jul 3. Complications following injection of soft-tissue fillers. Ozturk CN, Li Y, Tung R, Parker L, Piliang MP, Zins JE.
A. angular artery
B. zygomatico temporal artery & zygomatico facial artery
C. dorsal nasal artery
D. supratrochlear artery & supraorbital artery
E. superficial temporal artery
(1) Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2013 Dec 12;6:295-316. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S50546. Dermal fillers in aesthetics: an overview of adverse events and treatment approaches. Funt D, Pavicic T.
(2) G.G. Massry et al. (eds.), Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0067-7_2, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011. Ch.2 Surgical Anatomy of the Forehead, Eyelids, and Midface for the Aesthetic Surgeon. Kevin S. Tan, Sang-Rog Oh, Ayelet Priel, Bobby S. Korn, and Don O. Kikkawa
(3) Dermatol Surg. 2009 Oct;35 Suppl 2:1635-40. doi: 10.1111/j.1524-4725.2009.01342.x. The risk of alar necrosis associated with dermal filler injection. Grunebaum LD, Bogdan Allemann I, Dayan S, Mandy S, Baumann L.
A. 鼻翼軟骨外側腳(lateral crura)的支撐變弱
B. 鼻翼軟骨內側腳(medial crura)的支撐變強
C. 鼻尖定義點(tip-defining point)上移
D. 鼻唇角(nasolabial angle)變大
E. 鼻小
柱-唇角(columella-labial angle)不受影響
柱-唇角(columella-labial angle)不受影響
參考文獻:Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation. Mendelson B, Wong CH.
參考文獻:Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation. Mendelson B, Wong CH.
A. 顴骨(zygoma)與上頜骨的角度不受影響
B. 鼻唇溝(nasolabial crease)與附近上唇向後移
C. 上頜角(maxillary angle)變大
D. 梨狀角
(pyriform angle)變大
(pyriform angle)變大
E. 眉間角(glabellar angle)變大
(1) Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation. Mendelson B, Wong CH.
(2) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012. Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging.Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
(1) Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2012 Aug;36(4):753-60. doi: 10.1007/s00266-012-9904-3. Epub 2012 May 12. Changes in the facial skeleton with aging: implications and clinical applications in facial rejuvenation. Mendelson B, Wong CH.
(2) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012. Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging.Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
A. 抬頭紋-frontalis muscle
B. 皺眉紋-corrugator & procerus muscles
C. 魚尾紋-orbicularis oculi muscle
D. 國字臉-masseter muscle
E. 以上皆是
(1) Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Feb;40(2):127-33. doi: 10.1016/j.ijom.2010.09.014. Epub 2010 Oct 20. The use of botulinum toxin type A in cosmetic facial procedures. Jaspers GW1, Pijpe J, Jansma J.
(2) G.G. Massry et al. (eds.), Master Techniques in Blepharoplasty and Periorbital Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-0067-7_2, c Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011. Ch.2 Surgical Anatomy of the Forehead, Eyelids, and Midface for the Aesthetic Surgeon. Kevin S. Tan, Sang-Rog Oh, Ayelet Priel, Bobby S. Korn, and Don O. Kikkawa
(3) Botulinum Toxin in Aesthetic Medicine. 1st ed. 2007. Corr. 2nd printing, 2009, XX, 138 p. 151 illus. in color., Hardcover. de Maio, Mauricio, Rzany, Berthold.
14. 以下何者不是老化之後,臉部輪廓會出現的跡象?
A. Malar crescent
B. Cheek bulging
C. Nasolabial fold formation
D. Prejowl Sulcus
E. Jowl formation
答案:B,應為Cheek depression
(1) J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2010 Jun;68(6):1420-9. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2009.12.004. Epub 2010 Apr 9. Essentials of cheek and midface implants. Niamtu J 3rd.
(2) J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2011 Dec;4(12):32-6. Avoiding malar edema during midface/cheek augmentation with dermal fillers. Funt DK.
(3) Plast Reconstr Surg. 2012 Jun;129(6):1392-402. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e31824ecd77. The tear trough ligament: anatomical basis for the tear trough deformity. Wong CH, Hsieh MK, Mendelson B.
(4) M.E. Hartstein et al. (eds.), Midfacial Rejuvenation, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-1007-2_2, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012. Ch.2 The Anatomic Basis of Midfacial Aging. Allan E. Wulc , Pooja Sharma , and Craig N. Czyz
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2018 年微整形(手術)療法教育訓練-基礎課程
2018 年 05 月 20 日(日)
莊德揚 醫師
許朝程 副局長
王修含 醫師
2.血管走向之解剖學變異 (variations)
微整形(手術)療法填充物系列-Ellanse S
1.Ellanse S 介紹與臨床應用
2.Ellanse S 治療注射技巧治療注意事項與臨床案例
林上立 醫師
于曉恩 醫師
微整形(手術)療法填充物系列-3D 聚左旋乳酸(Sculptra)
1. Sculptra 特性介紹與臨床應用
2. Sculptra 注射技巧治療注意事項與臨床案例
張光正 醫師
黃耀立 醫師
2018 年 05 月 27 日(日)
「Silhoutte soft& Silhoutte suture 大小聚左旋乳酸鈴鐺線」臨床應用
索南多杰 醫師
1.Silhoutte soft& Silhoutte suture 臨床應用
2 Silhoutte soft& Silhoutte suture 注射技巧治療注意事項
微整形(手術)療法填充物系列-晶亮瓷 CaHA
陳美齡 醫師
1.CaHA 晶亮瓷介紹與臨床應用
2.CaHA 晶亮瓷治療注射技巧治療注意事項與臨床案例
黃金財 醫師
莊堅文 醫師
孫孝先 醫師
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