
王修含醫師演講:強化電波拉皮效果之要訣 (台灣醫用雷射光電學會)


主題:Tips to enhance the skin tightening and rejuvenation effect of monopolar radiofrequency


時間:2022.10.1 Saturday 14:15-14:30

地點:華南銀行國際會議中心 (110 台北市信義區松仁路123 2.3)





Tips to enhance the skin tightening and rejuvenation effect of monopolar radiofrequency


Shiou-Han WANG, MD (王修含醫師)

Monopolar radiofrequency (MRF) is a well-known energy source that induces skin tightening and rejuvenation which produces the electric current with heat transfer to shrink the collagen fibers and stimulate further neocollagenesis and neoelastinogenesis. We can optimize the treatment results with some tips.

1. Patient and modality selections include patient age and expectation, the heating profile of the MRF electrode, penetration depth, and cryogen property and timing.

2. Analysis of the fundamental physics and anatomy to determine the treatment strategies. Examples include thermal relaxation time, mechanical vectors, edge effect, retaining ligaments & SMAS, heat transfer, and thermodynamics.

3. Combination with other modalities for synergistic effects

In conclusion, with specific tips and techniques, we can enhance the skin tightening and rejuvenation effect of monopolar radiofrequency. We will discuss the critical points in this speech.


台灣醫用雷射光電學會 2022年會暨學術研討會 議程
Program at a glance
Day1-Oct. 1st Plenary Room

08:30-09:00 Registration 註冊 報到
08:55-09:00 Soft Opening 台灣醫用雷射光電學會 彭賢禮理事長
09:00-09:15 Complications and prevention of laser and light-based devices therapy in Asian
patients 光電雷射於亞洲人的併發症與預防 Che-Hao HSU 許哲豪
09:15-09:30 Facial fillers related vascular complications- Diagnosis and management KM KAPOOR
09:30-09:45 Management of cosmetic filler complications in the COVID-19 era
COVID-19 疫情下美容填充物併發症的處置 Yi-Hua LIAO 廖怡華
09:45-10:00 Updated 10 point plan: Concepts for improved procedural safety during facial filler
treatments Izolda HEYDENRYCH
10:00-10:15 An unusual vascular complication of nose injected by cannula and what can we
learn? 以鈍針注射鼻子產生的罕見副作用 Nai-Jen HSU 許乃仁
10:15-10:30 Q&A
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break 1
11:00-11:15 Nano vs Pico-- pros and cons Klaus FRITZ
Biomedical photo-aging reversal signals from 755nm picosecond laser induced
optical breakdown and the clinical application for melasma
Chang-Cheng CHANG
11:30-11:45 In vivo imaging-guided laser treatment for skin pigments: a step forward
活體影像導引應用於雷射除斑的進展 Chao-Chin WANG 王昭欽
11:45-12:00 Picosecond laser : a chance of melasma cure Wichai HONGCHARU
12:00-12:15 Approaches for refractory melasma 如何治療難纏肝斑 Jeng-Hsien LIN 林政賢
12:15-12:30 Clinical applications of Genius radio frequency microneedling— experience
sharing and clinical observations 微針電波的對於色素、凹疤及紋路的臨床運用 Shang-Li LIN 林上立
12:30-12:45 Microneedling RF - million things I achieve with It Rashimi SHETTY
13:00-13:30 Lunch Symposium (L1)---TBD
13:30-14:00 Lunch Symposium (L1)---TBD
14:00-14:15 Treatments of enlarged pores and oily facial skin with monopolar RF Woraphong MANUSKIATTI
14:15-14:30 Tips to enhance the skin tightening and rejuvenation effect of monopolar
radiofrequency 強化單極電波緊膚與嫩膚效果之要訣 Shiou-Han WANG 王修含
14:30-14:45 1,064-nm picosecond laser for treatment of stretch marks Woraphong MANUSKIATTI
14:45-15:00 Injection lipolysis: the past and future 局部注射減脂的過去與未來 Jeff HUANG 黃政傑
15:00-15:15 Body contouring – combination of RF, shockwave lymphatic drainage , muscle
stimulation or ultrasound Klaus FRITZ
How to evaluate and properly use helium plasma Renuvion) to help body
sculpting surgery more complete
Erh-Kang CHOU 周爾康
15:30-15:45 How minimally invasive and noninvasive energy based devices compare for body
contouring. Diane Irvine DUNCAN
16:30-16:45 Dermal filler impurities : Are we injecting "clean" hyaluronic acid filler? Won LEE
16:45-17:00 Eye brows - the defining feature of upper face Rashimi SHETTY
17:00-17:15 Peri-oral combination rejuvenation: Integrating BTX-A and fillers along with heavy
resurfacing Joel L. COHEN
Facial aging sign correction respecting the line of ligaments by using collagen
stimulating agents 運用膠原蛋白「新生」材質以韌帶線為重要標記的臉部老
Shang-Li LIN 林上立
17:30-17:45 Combination therapy for skin quality improvement Sonja SATTLER
17:45-18:00 Regenerative aesthetics Steven COHEN
09:00-10:30 F1: Complication Forum 副作用論壇
Moderator : Chung-Jen TSENG 曾忠仁; Yu-Pin PENG 彭于賓
Coffee Break 1
11:00-13:00 F2: Pigmented Lesions/Melasma Forum 色素病灶暨肝斑論壇
Moderator : Jau-Shiuh CHEN 陳昭旭; Kung-Kai LIN 林工凱; Mei Ching LEE 李美青

台灣醫用雷射光電學會 2022年會暨學術研討會 議程
Program at a glance
Day1-Oct. 1st Plenary Room
Registration 註冊 報到
Soft Opening 台灣醫用雷射光電學會 彭賢禮理事長
Coffee Break 2
F3: Body Contouring / Fat Reduction Forum/ Skin Tightening Forum體雕/減脂/緊膚論壇.
Moderator : Ying Chin WU 吳英俊; Hao-Chih TAI 戴浩志; Jenchin WU 吳仁欽
F4--Injectable or Injectable Combination Therapy Forum注射或注射合併論壇
Moderator : Ying Chin WU 吳英俊; Shyi-Gen CHEN 陳錫根; Wen-Wei FENG 馮文瑋

09:00-09:15 Lower face rejuvenation with botulinum toxins Doris HEXSEL
09:15-09:30 Chin augmentation techniques Sonja SATTLER
09:30-09:45 Clinical pearls and implications sharing for lower face and neck cosmetic
treatments下臉與頸部美容醫學治療:臨床考量與精華分享 William KO 柯威志
09:45-10:00 Reshape the youthful landmark: Jawline definition 年輕下顎線再造 Kuan-Ying LEE 李冠穎
10:00-10:15 New FDA approved ultrasound for both lifting and wrinkle reduction Wichai HONGCHARU
11:00-11:15 Treatment of scars using 1064nm fractional picosecond laser Taro KONO
11:15-11:30 Subcision technique for scars Doris HEXSEL
Maximizing clinical effects of Non-surgical combination treatment for atrophic
acne scar based on morphological identification 根據痘疤形態來制定最有效
Kuo-Liang CHENG 鄭國良
11:45-12:00 Combined treatment of pitted acne scars 凹痘疤的綜合療法,回顧過去到現在 Sindy HU 胡倩婷
12:00-12:15 Treatment options for hypopigmented scars Ofir ARTZI
12:15-12:30 A combination approach to surgical scars, plus pre- and post-care Joel L. COHEN
12:30-12:45 An algorithm to treat keloids and HS. Gisele VIANA
13:00-13:30 Lunch Symposium (L2)---TBD
13:30-14:00 Lunch Symposium (L2)---TBD
14:00-15:00 Satellite Symposium (S1) ---TBD
15:00-16:00 Satellite Symposium (S2) ---博而美國際股份有限公司 TBMS
16:30-17:00 Satellite Symposium (S3) ---香港商科醫人雷射有限公司台灣分公司 Lumenis
Satellite Symposium (S4) ---TBD

LMSTW 2022 Annual Meeting--Program
Program at a glance
Day1-Oct. 1st-- Room 2
09:00-10:30 F5: Lower Face and Neck Rejuvenation Forum 下半臉及頸部回春論壇
Moderator : Hao-Chih TAI 戴浩志; Ming-Hsiu LIN 林明秀
Coffee Break 1
11:00-13:00 F6: Scar Forum 疤痕論壇
Moderator : Hsiou-Hsin TSAI 蔡秀欣; Hung-Chia CHANG 張宏嘉; Shih-Ming TSENG 曾世鳴
Coffee Break 2


LMSTW 2022 Annual Meeting--Program
Program at a glance
09:00-10:30 F7: Cosmoceutical Forum 藥妝論壇
Moderator : Chen Wei SU 蘇承偉; Pin-Chi CHIU 邱品齊

09:00-09:20 The myths and chaos in the cosmeceutical market 藥妝市場迷思亂象 Wen-Chien TSAI 蔡文
09:20-09:40 Common dilemma seen in atopic dermatitis daily routines
異位性皮膚NG日常 Wan-Yi CHOU 周宛儀
09:40-10:00 Precautions for the use of essential oils for skin safety
Prof. Kuang-Hway YIH
10:00-10:20 The bright and dark sides of skin-lightening cosmetics
如何客觀性看待化妝 Pin-Chi CHIU 邱品齊
10:30-10:40 Opening Ceremony 開幕式 台灣整形外科醫學會理事長 戴浩志 ; 台灣皮膚暨美容外科醫學會 前理事長曾忠仁 ;
灣醫事法律學會理事長及諾貝爾醫療集團執行長 張朝凱 ; 台灣醫用雷射光電學會理事暨眼科召集人 大學眼科集團
總院長林丕容 ; 台灣醫用雷射光電學會 理事長 彭賢禮

11:00-11:15 Rationale for the thread lifting 拉提基本概念 Peter HUANG 耀主
11:15-11:30 Easy to thread lifting 輕鬆進入「臉線拉提」 Sung Yuan CHANG 松源
11:30-11:45 The result of lifting vector in threading and rhytedectomy
皮與線提升觀點,討拉提向量果的影 K.C. CHANG 張光正
11:45-12:00 A thorough review of threads for neck and face lift De Felipe INIGO
12:00-12:15 Eyebrow lifting using floating type bidirectional thread Won LEE
12:15-12:30 4-stage rhinoplasty with PDO barbed threads PDO 倒勾四段隆鼻術 Chia Hsien HSIEH 謝佳憲
12:30-12:45 Non-surgical combination to treat a surgical patient – the combination of
injectable RF + threads + FACL Ofir ARTZI
14:00-14:15 Diagnosis of rosacea 玫瑰(酒糟)診斷依據和鑑別 Hui-Peng HUANG 輝鵬
14:15-14:30 The skills and timing of successful treatment of rosacea with targeted narrow
band intense pulsed light 窄谱光子治疗玫瑰痤疮技巧和时机选择 Shuxian YAN 严淑贤
14:30-14:45 The practical implications of barrier dysfunction in rosacea Izolda HEYDENRYCH
14:45-15:00 Sex hormone and acne— what'the new 性激与痤疮关系研究进 Qiang JU
15:00-15:15 Lasers for acne clearance Miriam Emily SORIANO
15:15-15:30 Pathophysiology of sensitive skin: An update 敏感性肤发机制研究进 Yang XU 许阳
15:30-15:45 Debunking common myths about sensitive skin 敏感肌迷思大破 Pin-Chi CHIU 邱品齊
16:30-16:45 A sad masker becomes a happy masquerader: My tips in periorbital rejuvenation.
疫情下口罩之上的眼周回春治療 Henry HUANG 耀
16:45-17:00 Multilayer injection technique (MITfor tear trough treatment
淚溝多層次注射方式 Allen HUANG 耀麟
17:00-17:15 Blepharoplasty evolution 眼皮手術的改變進程 Feng -Chou TSAI 豐州
17:15-17:30 The roles of the periorbital muscles in eyelids rejuvenation
眼睛周圍肌肉群在眼睛年輕化的 Chung-Ho FENG 中和
17:30-17:45 My concept of periorbital rejuvenation: devices, filler and surgical procedure. Nariaki MIYATA
11:00-13:00 F8: Thread Lift and Thread Combination Therapy Forum 線雕及線雕合併論壇
Moderator : Cheng-Jen CHANG ; Cheng-Kun WANG 王正; Yuan Li LIAO苑利
Day2-Oct. 2nd Plenary Room

LMSTW 2022 Annual Meeting--Program
Program at a glance

 Day2-Oct. 2nd-- Room 2

09:30-10:30 Satellite Symposium (S5) ---香港商科醫人雷射有限公司台灣分公司 Lumenis
11:00-12:00 Satellite Symposium (S6) ---台灣比特樂有限公司 BTL
Moderator : Peter PENG 彭賢禮
11:00-11:20 The principle and clinical application of Pelvic muscle training using lastest HIFEM
device Jung-Feng CHEN 陳榮峰
11:20-11:40 Case sharing about body contouring combination therapy with Embody Chung-Yu, CHENG HUANG 鄭黃
12:00-13:00 Satellite Symposium (S7) ---醫學股份有限公司 Woh Medical
13:00-13:30 Lunch Symposium (L3)---新加坡莫氏有限公司台灣分公司 Merz
13:30-14:00 Lunch Symposium (L3)---新加坡莫氏有限公司台灣分公司 Merz
14:00-15:30 (一)Corneal Refractive Surgery
凱醫 容醫
14:00-14:20 MEL 90& 經驗 鄭宇庭醫師 (諾貝爾眼
14:20-14:40 LBV& 經驗 葉威毅醫師 (大學眼科)
14:40-15:00 Smile monovision應用 林丕容醫師 (大學眼科)
15:00-15:15 VM 800VM500差異 國外醫師 (TBA)
15:15-15:30 QA
15:30-16:00 (二)Dry Eye Treatment Section
The efficacy of intense pulse light treatment with optimal pulsed technology in
patients with cataract and meibomian gland dysfunction
OPT 脈衝光用於治療白內障兼MGD病患之療效
15:50-16:00 QA
16:30-18:00 (三)Glaucoma and Retina Laser Section
國醫 呂大文醫
16:30-16:50 Glaucoma laser treatment update 青光雷射治療 呂大文醫師 (三軍總醫院
16:50-17:10 Micropulse transscleral laser therapy (MPTLT) for glaucoma management
陳賢立醫師 (台北長庚紀
17:10-17:30 Yellow laser photocoagulation for retinal/macular neovascular diseases
鄭成國醫師 (新光吳火獅
17:30-17:50 Clinical experience of navigated retinal laser 自動航視網膜雷射的臨床經驗 謝易庭醫師 (臺大醫院眼
17:50-18:00 QA
(一)Corneal Refractive Surgery
凱醫 容醫
Day2-Oct. 2nd-- Room 2