
王修含醫師演講:AMWC Monaco 2023-皮秒雷射


主題:Tips to safely amplify the photoacoustic response of picosecond and nanosecond lasers to improve the therapeutic results


會議:AMWC Monaco 2023年世界美容抗衰老大會 ( to

地點:Grimaldi Forum, Montecarlo (Monaco)

主辦者:EUROMEDICOM, 37 avenue de Friedland, 75008 Paris, FRANCE   





Tips to safely amplify the photoacoustic response of picosecond and nanosecond lasers to improve the therapeutic results

Shiou-Han Wang, MD

To safely improve the efficacy of picosecond and nanosecond laser treatment

Picosecond and nanosecond lasers are good choices for some skin problems, such as pigmentary skin disorders. The photoacoustic effect is the predominant property of these lasers.

Based on the property of thermodynamics and Beer-Lambert law, we can know that the temperature is linearly related to the amplitude of the photoacoustic effect. For this reason, before the laser treatment, we treat the skin lesions with a photothermal laser, such as a long-pulsed alexandrite laser. Besides, combined therapy with a pulsed dye laser can improve efficacy for some diseases, such as melasma with telangiectasia. Furthermore, we can use an attenuator to lower the output laser fluence with a stacking technique for safety and efficacy to reduce the risk of laser-induced post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.  

Patients with cutaneous pigmentary disorders, such as lentigines, freckles, melasma, and post-acne erythema/ pigmentation, were safely treated with good therapeutic responses.  
We can safely amplify the photoacoustic response of picosecond and nanosecond lasers with photothermal lasers to improve the therapeutic results.